I took a range of different pictures so as I had a variety to choose from when shooting my front cover, I have taken six to analyse in more detail so as to elinmate the bad pictures and use the more successful ones.
Picture 1
Here is my first picture, I really like the mise en scene in this
photo as the scattered records on the floor and the old fashioned record player connote the idea of the old hollywood jazz and blues music which I was aiming for. As well as this the models makeup also compliments the old hollywood glamour with the sexy red lips that would attract buyers as well as the tightly curled hair to fit in with the theme and suit the mise en scene of the photograph. The pose is also a key element to consider as her smile looks inviting to the reader and would catch the buyers attention as she is giving direct eye contact to the buyer so as to intise them more. I would consider using this for my front cover, however as you can see the top part of her head is missing and so therefore isn't enough room for the title or strapline and would then therefore cover the models face which wouldnt look effective and would ruin the overall look. As well as this seeing as though a magazine cover is on A4 and the picture is on landscape when trying to cut the picture down, it loses the overall look as I would have to cut the records and most of the record player out so therefore wouldn't create the look that I was going for.
Picture 2This is another image I considered for my front cover. Overall I think that the image is striking as the light on her face makes her eyes stand out and are a very dominant part of the image and so therefore would grab the readers attention straight away which makes a good selling point to the magazine by giving the buyer direct eye contact. I also like the way the record is a main part of the image and stands out as this is the kind of old fashioned, hollywood glamour I am trying to portray. However some negatives to the image are that her head is scapled and so therefore there is little room to add a strapline or title going along the top of the magazine without covering the models face. There is also little space around the model for additonal text and pugs, as well as the wooden floor being on show which is something however that could be edited out using photo shop. Picture 3
This is my third idea for an image for the front of my magazine.Overall I don't think that this image would be successful to use as a front cover image as the model is not connecting her eyes with the camera and so is therefore not giving the buyer direct eye contact which is a major selling point. As well as this the mise en scene is not exactly how I would want it to be seeing as though there is not enough of the record player in it and there is a piece of brown wooden furniture behind the models legs that I wouldn't like to be there, I could however edit this out using photoshop if I really wanted to use this image. I also think that the model looks slightly uncomfortable as the postioning of her hand around the record player looks clumsy and unattractive and so therefore I wouldn't use this as a front cover image.
Picture 4
Here is the fouth image for my front cover, I really like this image as the mise en scene really helps to connote the old school hollywood glamour style that I want the image of my magazine to be. The background of the image is busy and crowded with the old records but I deliberately put the props there to add to the theme of the front cover. Another reason as to why this is a successful image is because the model is connecting her eyes with the camera and giving direct eye contact with the reader so as to catch the buyers attention. The models hair and make up also create the old fashioned look with the red lips and the curly hair and the pose is non threatening and inviting so as to attract the type of buyers that I am aiming the magazine at. Picture 5
This is the final image I was considering for my front cover and the one that I think is the most successful, this is because the background is plain and there is space to layer on top of the image without covering too much of the model making it look untidy. As well as this the mise en scene of the image fits the theme of the old hollywood glamour which I am aiming to create as a theme, this is done by the old vinyl records on the floor and the one the model is holding as well as the old fashioned record player, the type of outfit I have my model in also compliments the other colours on the page and the red lips matches the record player and a bit of the colour in the records so as to identify a colour scheme that would catch the buyers attention. The pose of my model is non threatening and inviting and she is giving direct eye contact with the buyer so as to entice the buyer to buy the magazine.